Aminet 15
Aminet 15 - Nov 1996.iso
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431 lines
;$VER:1.02 Script for HFMounter 2.2
; Read All System information
(set osver (/ (getversion "LIBS:version.library") 65536))
( if (= osver 37) (set workbench "2.0"))
( if (= osver 38) (set workbench "2.1"))
( if (= osver 39) (set workbench "3.0"))
( if (= osver 40) (set workbench "3.1"))
( if (= osver 41) (set workbench "4.0"))
(run "type >RAM:lan EnvArc:sys/locale.prefs opt h")
(set runstring (cat "search" " RAM:lan "))
(set english "") (set german "")
(set runstring1 (cat runstring "\"deutschland\"")) (if (= (run runstring1) 0) (set german1 "Deutsch"))
(set runstring1 (cat runstring "\"english\"")) (if (= (run runstring1) 0) (set english1 "English"))
(welcome " HFMounter Installation\n")
(set #langQuestion (cat "The following were found in Locale:\n\n" english1 "\n"german1"\n\nSelect one of the installers supported Languages."
(set LAN (askchoice (choices "Deutsch" "English"
(prompt #langQuestion)
(help "Select a Language")
(default lang)
(set @hfm-dest "SYS:C/")
;English Information
(set #Intro-Txt (cat "\n\nWelcome to \n\n"
"HFMounter 2.2\n"
"Hard Disk Install Script\n\n"
"HFMounter is ©1995-1996 by SuicideSoft\n\n"
(set #MinReqOS (cat "The following are the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS!\n"
"Kickstart 3.0, **You only have " workbench "**\n"
(set #Path-Txt (cat "Select the target directory for HFM."
(set #Path-Help (cat "\nThis section lets you choose the\n"
"target directory to install HFMounter 2.2 in.\n\n"
"Default is SYS:C/\n\n\n"
(set #Copyfile-txt (cat "Copying HFM to "
(set #copycat-txt (cat "Copying Catalog-file to locale:"
(set #devcopy-txt (cat "Copying fmsdisk.device to devs:"
(set #devcopy-help (cat "\nThis section installs the fmsdisk.device\n"
"in your system's devs: directory"
(set #mountl-txt (cat "\nCopying HF-Mountlist to devs:\n"
(set #mountl-help (cat "\nThis mountlist consists of the\n"
"entries for 12 HF-Units. The programm\n"
"needs it in devs:\n"
(set #reqtools-txt (cat "\nCopying Reqtools-Library to LIBS:\n"
(set #reqtools-help (cat "\n The Reqtools-Library is responsible for the\n"
"neat Filerequester of HFMounter. Destination is LIBS:\n"
(set #Pathdriver-Txt (cat "Select the target directory for \n"
"the example dosdriver."
(set #Pathdriver-Help (cat "\nThis section lets you choose the target directory\n"
"to install an example dosdriver in.\n\n"
"Default is SYS:storage/dosdrivers/\n\n\n"
(set #driver-txt (cat "\n Copying example-dosdriver\n"
(set #driver-help (cat "\n An example dosdriver will be copiied\n"
" that may be duplicated and renamed.\n\n"
" Infos about using dosdrivers in AmigaOS dos-manual\n"
(set #Pathguide-Txt (cat "Select the target directory for HFM_e.guide."
(set #Pathguide-Help (cat "\nThis section lets you choose the "
"target directory to install HFM_e.guide in.\n\n"
"Default is locale:help/deutsch/\n\n\n"
(set #guide-txt (cat "\n Copying Amigaguide document to: \n\n"
(set #guide-help (cat "\n This section copies the documentation in amigaguide-\n"
" format in a directory of your choice.\n"
" In case you are uncertain about anything in HFMounter,\n"
" you should refer to this helptext.\n"
(set #USER-STARTUP-TXT (cat "\n Decide now where the Unit-files for HFMounter\n"
" should reside. Remember that you may need a\n"
" maximum diskspace of about 11 MB for it."
(set #Assign-Help-Txt (cat "\n One additional entry of three rows will make your\n "
" user-startup creating the needed ASSIGN for HFMounter\n"
;German Information
(if (= LAN 0)
(set #Intro-Txt (cat"\n\nWillkommen zum \n\n"
"HFMounter 2.2\n"
"Hard Disk Install Script\n\n"
"HFMounter ist ©1995-1996 von SuicideSoft\n\n"
(set #MinReqOS (cat "Das Folgende ist MINIMAL erforderlich\n"
"Kickstart 2.1, **Du hast nur " workbench "**\n"
(set #Path-Txt (cat "Bestimme das Zielverzeichnis\n"
" fuer HFM 2.2 \n"
(set #Path-Help (cat "\nHier kannst Du das Zielverzeichniss\n"
"fuer den HFMounter 2.2 angeben.\n\n"
" Default ist SYS:C/ \n\n\n"
(set #Copyfile-txt (cat "Kopiere HFM nach "
(set #Copycat-txt (cat "Kopiere deutsches Catalogfile nach locale:catalogs/deutsch/"
(set #copycat-help (cat "\nHier kannst Du Dich fuer das Deutsche Sprachfile fuer\n"
"HFMounter entscheiden, es wird nach Localae:catalogs/deutsch\n"
"kopiert und beim naechsten Start von HFMounter eingelesen"
(set #devcopy-txt (cat "Kopiere das fmsdisk.device nach devs:"
(set #devcopy-help (cat "\nHier wird das fmsdisk.device installiert\n"
"Es gehört ins DEVS: Verzeichnis"
(set #mountl-txt (cat "\nKopiere die HF-Mountlist nach Devs:\n"
(set #mountl-help (cat "\nDie Mountlist enthaelt die Einträge von\n"
" 12 HF-Units. Das Programm benoetigt sie in DEVS:\n"
(set #reqtools-txt (cat "\n Kopiere die Reqtools-Library nach LIBS:\n"
(set #reqtools-help (cat "\n Die Reqtools-Library ist fuer den schönen\n"
" Filerequester zustaendig. Sie gehört nach LIBS:\n"
(set #Pathdriver-Txt (cat "Wähle das Zielverzeichnis\n"
"fuer den Beispielsdosdriver.\n"
(set #Pathdriver-Help (cat "\n Hier kannst Du das Zielverzeichnis\n"
" fuer einen Beispielsdosdriver angeben.\n\n"
" Default ist SYS:storage/dosdrivers/\n\n\n"
(set #driver-txt (cat "\n Kopiere Beispielsdosdriver \n"
(set #driver-help (cat "\n Es wird ein Beispielsdosdriver kopiert\n"
" der dupliziert und umbenannt werden kann.\n\n"
" Infos zu Dosdrivern findest Du im AmigaOS Dos-Manual\n"
(set #Pathguide-Txt (cat "\n Wähle das Zielverzeichnis\n"
" fuer den Amigaguide Hilfstext.\n"
(set #Pathguide-Help (cat "\n Hier kannst Du das Zielverzeichnis\n"
" fuer den HFM.guide angeben.\n\n"
" Default ist locale:help/deutsch/\n\n\n"
(set #guide-txt (cat "\n Kopiere Amigaguide-Hilfstext nach: \n\n"
(set #guide-help (cat "\n Hier wird die Dokumentation im Amigaguide-Format\n"
" in das Verzeichnis Deiner Wahl kopiert.\n"
" Falls am HFMounter etwas unklar sein sollte,\n"
" kannst Du dort Informationen zum Programm finden\n"
(set #USER-STARTUP-TXT (cat "\n Gib bitte nun an, wo die Unit-files für HFMounter\n"
" abgelegt werden sollen. Denke daran, dass dort\n"
" ein Maximum von 11 MB Platz sein muss."
(set #Assign-Help-Txt (cat "\n Es werden 3 Zeilen an die User-Startup angehängt, um\n"
" das noetige ASSIGN fuer HFMounter permanent zu machen.\n"
; Main Script
(if (< osver 39) (abort #MinReqOS) )
(message #Intro-txt)
(complete 0)
(set target (askdir (prompt (cat #Path-Txt))
(help (cat #Path-Help))
(default @hfm-dest)
(set @hfm-dest target)
(copyfiles (prompt (cat #Copyfile-txt " " @hfm-dest))
(help @copy-files-help)
(source "c/HFM")
(dest (tackon @hfm-dest ""))
(complete 20)
(set @catdest "locale:catalogs/deutsch")
(if (= LAN 0) (copyfiles (prompt (cat #copycat-txt " " ))
(source "catalogs/deutsch/HFM.catalog")
(dest @catdest)
(help @copy-files-help)
(complete 40)
(copylib (prompt (cat #devcopy-txt " " ))
(help (cat #devcopy-help))
(source "devs/fmsdisk.device")
(dest (tackon "devs:" ""))
(copyfiles (prompt (cat #mountl-txt " " ))
(help (cat #mountl-help))
(source "devs/hf-mountlist")
(dest (tackon "devs:" ""))
(complete 60)
(copylib (prompt (cat #reqtools-txt " " ))
(help (cat #reqtools-help))
(source "libs/reqtools.library")
(dest (tackon "libs:" ""))
(set target (askdir (prompt (cat #Pathdriver-Txt " " ))
(help (cat #Pathdriver-Help))
(default "Sys:storage/dosdrivers/")
(complete 80)
(copyfiles (prompt (cat #driver.txt " "))
(help (cat #driver-help))
(source "devs/dosdrivers/HF0")
(dest (tackon target ""))
(set target (askdir (prompt (cat #Pathguide-Txt))
(help (cat #Pathguide-Help))
(default "locale:help/deutsch/")
(if (= LAN 0) (copyfiles (prompt (cat #guide-txt target))
(help (cat #guide-help))
(source "HFM.guide")
(dest (tackon target ""))
(if (= LAN 1) (copyfiles (prompt (cat #guide-txt target))
(help (cat #guide-help))
(source "HFM_e.guide")
(dest (tackon target ""))
(complete 90)
(set target
(askdir (prompt (cat #USER-STARTUP-TXT))
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Sys:")
(startup "HFMounter"
(prompt "\n ASSIGN FMS: " target)
(help (cat #Assign-help-txt))
(command "assign FMS: "target)
(makeassign "FMS" target)
(complete 100)
;(exit "That's all, installation is finished now \n\n"
; "Das wars Leute, Installation abgeschlossen.")